Major Albert Guerra |
The Specialized Operations Section's mission is to provide the Department with a wide range of law enforcement specialists
to augment the uniformed patrol elements and the investigators. Details within the section focus on a variety of law enforcement disciplines.
The Special Threat Response Unit includes the personnel that make up the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) as well as the Crisis Negotiations
Detail, which respond to situations that are beyond the capabilities and training of the conventional patrol officers. The Office of Emergency Management
is comprised of the Incident Support Detail, the Shield Detail, and the Bomb Squad. Officers assigned to the Marine Patrol, Mounted Patrol,
and Aviation Details provide their unique skills in support of the unusual situations that confront the patrol personnel.
The Traffic Enforcement Unit manages all aspects of the traffic-related complaints in the city. The Canine Unit provides their highly specialized canine
teams to protect the citizens and visitors of Miami 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week. The canine teams specialize in interior and exterior searches,
evidence searches, narcotics and explosive searches and detection, and any situations that require physical security capabilities which will increase
the safety of officers.
The Special Events Unit manages the assignment of additional law enforcement support to the many activities that take place in our communities. |