Here at The City of Miami Police Department we care about our children and their safety. We have developed a Kids Corner so
children and parents alike can be notified about current events in our community and safety tips which our children can follow. We have also implemented
Facebook/Twitter as an additional link of communication between the citizens and the police department. This is a new addition to our Police Department web page
and we are still adding and developing it. Check back with us to view educational topics such as: Stranger Danger, Internet safety and drug and alcohol usage,
as well as information on how to be safe, how to handle peer pressure, bullying and other school-related topics.
We are excited about our new page and plan on providing information and educational activities for kids of all ages. This page is available to both children
and adults, and we are encouraging viewers to browse the pages and to also view what is currently on the page. Don't forget to look up at tips and additional
information on Cyberbullying. |
SEE Something, SAY Something.. dial 911 to report a crime or suspicious activity.